As the name suggests, this program will help you manage addresses, phone numbers, email and homepage URLs of your friends without resorting to more complex (and cluttered) applications. I gave this program such a generic name so that it can fit nicely under your Apple menu along with the other desktop utilities provided with Mac OS. By default, Address Pad will also behave like a typical Apple menu application (i.e. opening a default document when launched).
• Integral support for Mac OS 8.5 Themes;
• Simple, intuitive interface;
• Clickable Internet addresses;
• Drag&Drop support to share information with other applications;
• Disk based storage and visualization (slower that RAM based implementations, but the number of entries you can store in any Address Pad document is only limited by disk space);
Any Macintosh or Power Macintosh with Sytem 7 (or later). Mac OS 8.5 is strongly recommended. Some features (Drag & Drop, clickable URLs, etc...) will not be available on older versions of the Mac OS unless the appropriate components are installed.
Distribution Notice
Address Pad is available free to the public. Please do not modify the program without my permission and please notify me if you plan to distribute it.
Version History
• 1.0.4 - One additional separator has been added in the address drawing options; Drag&Drop feature now supports exporting users as text clippings to the Finder or to other applications; documents can now be exported as tab-delimited text files; some parts of the code have been optimized and/or modified.
• 1.0.3 - Users can now be moved/copied between documents through the clipboard; it is now possible to customize the drawing order of mailing addresses (to support countries other than the U.S.) through the preferences window; a few bugs have been fixed; the number of entries in each document is now visible in the lower-left corner of the window; lowered the default memory partition assigned to Address Pad (re-increase the partition if you need to open many documents at the same time); tooltips under items are now delayed for one second before appearing.
• 1.0.2 - Basic printing support has been added; code migration to latest PowerPlant version is now complete.
• 1.0.1 - 68K machines are now supported; minor changes were made to the code; scrollbars under Mac OS 8.5 are now proportional.
• 1.0 - Handling of large documents has been improved; the interface is more-appearance savvy and should redraw faster than in previous version. The creator code for the application has been changed.
• PR1 - Initial public release.
Developers Notice
As opposed to my previous freeware projects, I developed Address Pad using Metrowerks PowerPlant. Although the code is scarcely commented, I wrote a few useful classes to handle disk based arrays (function names and parameters are identical to LArray), tooltips and the Appearance-savvy buttons you see in the main window. Source code to these classes is available from my homepage.
Author Information
I spent most of my spare time learning to write software for the Mac. You might have seen some of my other freeware projects (ePress/eCard, Internet Launcher) or the only commercial package I worked on (the ichat Pager). I am originally from the province of Naples (Italy). I moved to Austin, TX a couple years ago and left that wonderful city a few months ago to come to Boston. I am now attending Boston University, whose tuition will make me a lot skinnier and less prone to give software away for free. If you wish to make a donation for this program, offer me an interesting job for the summer or if you just want to send me a postcard (very appreciated), please use the following contact information: